FINS Marketing Poller Process API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

convert-externalaccounts-csv-to-cdp-jsonConvert the external accounts in S3 Object CSV to externalAccounts JSON for CDP System API to process
publish-cross-sell-feeds-payloadConvert the CDP Cross-Sell money market segment in S3 Object CSV to JSON for Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message
publish-up-sell-feeds-payloadConvert the CDP Upsell mortgage segment in S3 Object CSV to JSON for Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message


Convert the external accounts in S3 Object CSV to externalAccounts JSON for CDP System API to process

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/convert-externalaccounts-csv-to-cdp-json.dwl


var csvToJsonPayload

Variable that holds the JSON payload from CSV read from the AWS S3 Object

Mapping Tables

Maps external accounts from AWS S3 Object in CSV format to JSON of externalAccounts of CDP

CSV HeaderexternalAccountsDescription
"Global Party ID"individualIdGlobal identifier of the account owner
"Name of Financial Company"institutionNameName of the financial institution holding the account
"Email Address"emailAddressEmail Address of the account owner
"Account Type"accountTypeThe type of the account
"Account Status"accountStatusThe status of the account
"Average Daily Balance"averageDailyBalance lastNameThe average daily balance of the account
"Age of Account (years)"ageOfAccountThe number of years since the account was first opened
"Total number of accounts"totalNumberOfAccountsThe total number of accounts held by this client
"Length of time as client"lengthOfTimeAsClientThe number of years the individual has been a client with the financial institution

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Convert the CDP Cross-Sell money market segment in S3 Object CSV to JSON for Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/publish-cross-sell-feeds-payload.dwl


var csvToJsonPayload

Variable that holds the JSON payload from CSV read from the AWS S3 Object

Mapping Tables

Maps Cross-Sell Money Market Data from AWS S3 Object in CSV format to JSON of Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message

feedsCSV Header or ConfigDescription
subjectId"Id"The Salesforce identifier of record that this message will be posted to the feed of
messageContentMessage TextThe content of the message to post
messageVisibilityINTERNAL_USERSIndicates whether all users or only internal users can see this post

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Convert the CDP Upsell mortgage segment in S3 Object CSV to JSON for Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/publish-up-sell-feeds-payload.dwl


var csvToJsonPayload

Variable that holds the JSON payload from CSV read from the AWS S3 Object

Mapping Tables

Maps Upsell mortgage segment Data from AWS S3 Object in CSV format to JSON of Salesforce Customers System API to process as chatter feed message

feedsCSV Header or ConfigDescription
subjectId"Id"The Salesforce identifier of record that this message will be posted to the feed of
messageContentMessage TextThe content of the message to post
messageVisibilityINTERNAL_USERSIndicates whether all users or only internal users can see this post

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 8, 2023
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